Friday, March 23, 2007

Things You Should Know About Alcohol Detox

First off, when attempting to get off alcohol or drugs, beadvised that medical personnel should always monitor any kindof detoxification in order to provide prompt and educated aidto those striving to rid their bodies of the effects of chronicalcohol and drug abuse. An alcohol detox program is only thefirst of many steps that alcoholics will take on the long roadto recovery.Withdrawal is the first process that an alcoholic must take tobegin the cleansing process that will ultimately remove alltraces of alcohol from their body systems. With alcoholism ordrug abuse, the body becomes dependent on those drugs oralcohol, and during an alcohol detox, withdrawal is the processby which drug or alcohol induced toxins are exorcised from thebody. It isn't easy, and many people aren't mentally orphysically prepared for the process. But with an alcohol detoxprogram, that's only the first step. The next step, therapeuticand emotional counseling, are only begun after the person hascompleted the alcohol withdrawal process. Some well meaningpeople try to skip to the second step first, but such anendeavor is useless, as any remnant of alcohol in the body willcontinue to induce cravings for it, thereby defeating any andall arguments to the contrary.The term, alcohol detox, is officially defined as the period oftime it takes someone to overcome his or her physical dependenceand need for alcohol. In an alcohol detox rehab center, thisprocess is carefully and closely monitored by trained medicalpersonnel experienced in dealing with the moods andtemperaments of alcoholics on the road to recovery. The endgoal of an alcohol detox program is to free the alcoholic ofthe addictive effect of alcohol on their body, in addition tohelping them get through that most difficult process as painfree as possible. An alcohol detox center will offer expertguidance and advice to those wishing to enroll in their programand to help people get a good start on the road to a long-termrecovery. For the most part, an alcohol detox program iscompleted within an in-patient, medical type setting so thatpatients can be closely monitored and helped.Experiencing alcohol detox isn't pleasant and can producesymptoms that express both physically and emotionally. Many whohave completed an alcohol detox program claim the experience,though necessary, was traumatic and withdrawal from alcohol ordrugs can produce both physical and mental manifestations thatrange from mild to alarmingly severe. That's why it's soimportant for people to go through an alcohol detox process ina licensed facility with fully trained medical staff on hand tooversee the process. Some people experience headaches, the'shakes', vomiting, insomnia and even delirium tremors, morecommonly known as the 'DTs' and even seizures. Supervisedalcohol detox is recommended, especially since one in fourpatients may experience severe withdrawal symptoms likeseizures and convulsions.An alcohol detox program can take within three to seven days inmost cases, and then the rehabilitation process begins. It's notan easy battle, but with the help of an alcohol detox program, aperson has a high chance of not only a healthy recovery, butalso a less stressful one.About The Author: Need to know more about alcohol detox? Findout more about alcohol detox and other detox methods at

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